Advanced Psychic Development

Advanced Psychic Development in Wolverhampton

This course has been designed to further extend what has already been learnt during your 8-week psychic development course. The awareness course gave you a good foundation for connecting to your inner spirit and higher self. It may have also enhanced your communication with spirit guides, be they loved ones, angelic, ascended masters or teacher guides. This course is designed to extend your consciousness to different levels to aid you in your personal and spiritual development. You will hopefully grow and expand your existing knowledge to a wider perspective.
As the course is intuitively taught, you will have plenty of opportunities to practise and reinforce your learning, hence the course is run monthly over 9 months.
Pre-requisite: Psychic Enhancement and Development through Circle and Demonstration Work

Course Times: 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Cost: Course Registration Fee: £25 Followed by 9 payments x £25. Total cost £250 


Month 1


Auric Levels
  • The Seven Layer Auric Body System
  • We will be understanding how this works and with our chakra system. As we expand our consciousness we start to become aware of what else surrounds our physical body
Month 2


Akashic Records
  • Understanding The Akashic records and the role they play in our everyday life
  • How to access them and make use of knowledge that is revealed to you
Month 3


Physical and Mental Mediumship: Healing and Clairvoyance
  • Understanding the differences between physical & mental mediumship
  • Modern day Mediumship phenomena and how it is demonstrated through developing your spiritual potential. How it is used in society today
Month 4


Dowsing and Spirit Returns
  • What is dowsing and how it has been used in the past and how we can incorporate it into every day
  • Dowsing tools and their uses
  • What are the spirit realms and how where we are in the physical will have an initial impact at our time of passing. Ascension and spheres
Month 5


Work with Sign Symbols and Interpretations
  • Understanding your role whilst developing your skill set as a medium, clairvoyant or psychic medium is important
  • Understanding what you are being given in terms of signs and symbols. Trusting and acceptance during delivery of messages/guidance
Month 6


The Clair's
  • Over the decades what used to be “gifts” seem so easily accessible by so many. Do you have to be special to be able to give messages? You will reflect on yourself whilst developing your understanding of the different Clair’s. We will look at the different types of Clair’s and what they mean. Gauging your current abilities and how to fine tune these and/or increase these gifts
  • How messages are received and how to develop the Clair’s and enhance what you already have
Month 7


Channelling, Mediumship and Psychic Card Readings
  • Understand what channelling means. Look at how we can channel information from spirit realms. This may incorporate Mediumship and/or your psyche. You will learn about the different ways you can channel information. The importance of meditation
Month 8


Power Animals
  • Gain and understanding of what power animals are and the power and wisdom that is carried with these beautiful creatures
  • Learn the difference between and totem animal and a power animal. Look into ways that these animals can be incorporated into your daily life
Month 9


Higher Consciousness
  • Higher consciousness is an expansion of our awareness to all that there is. Through practice and reflection one can reach altered states of consciousness list functioning in this paradigm. The shifting of perception between reality of the physical and that of the spiritual. All is not as it may seem. Through practice you become more detached from the “dramas” that can affect your physical life. These are consequential of the choices we make
  • Tuning into higher consciousness will help us to understand what our soul and life purpose is and how we can align to it. We will look at “life” from a conscious way and see how we can read the sign posts
Our courses are designed to help you tune in on your perceived psychic ability. Call us now on
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